Welcome to our Halloween party!
We want to thank Miss Vanessa of A Fanciful Twist for hosting another wickedly fun Halloween party!
Come along, don't be scared !
But, then again, maybe you should be! HeHeHe!!
( click on pictures to enlarge)
Bug--oh Mister Bug--where are you??

What is that thing on your back Mister Bug?
Oh, that's just Charlie. He wanted to come to our party so I said I would give him a ride.
Hmmm. Okay, but he is going to scare all the guests.
That's the plan, Mom. But Vanessa won't be scared. She's not scared of anything.
I can't believe she is coming to our party!
Well, Mister bug, you had better get down to the pumpkin patch and find some pumpkins.
You know how Miss Vanessa loves her pumpkins.
Why don't you take Mister Trec with you?

I think Charlie scared him. He's hiding--so he thinks--hehe!
Mister bug I'm not scared. I'll go. I've been practicing my roar.
Yes, we know Miss Lizzee!

I'm going to find a very special pumpkin for Miss Vanessa!

Oh dear, I think we're lost.

I wonder if the skeletons might know the way.
Oooooh--look at the size of that bone!!
I don't spose he would share?
C'mon Miss Lizzee, I see the gargoyles. They protect the entrance to the pumpkins on Halloween.

Legend says that long ago the pumpkin king got into a great battle with a giant human. He wanted the pumpkin king to carve up for Halloween. The other pumpkins defended the king, but there just were not enough of them left to over take the giant. So many people were hunting the pumpkins for Halloween that there were very few left.

After that night the Gargoyles have been guarding the pumpkins every Halloween. Now you can only have a pumpkin if you know the magic word.
Mister Bug, what is the magic word?

Ummm-- it's---ummmm---oh no! I forgot! Oh, Miss Lizzee, I have to get a pumpkin for Miss Vanessa.
What am I going to do?
I know! We'll go see the fortune teller. She knows everything!

Oh no Mister Bug! We can't --she lives in the haunted house.
Oh Miss Lizzee, its not really haunted.
Let's go--hurry!

It looks like a party.Let's go in.

Oh this looks yummy! I'm so hungry--lets have something to eat.
You are always hungry Miss Lizzee.

I'm thirsty, too. I'll have one of those please.
Miss Lizzee--NO--that's for the vampires.
Buttt??--Don't ask!

Everything looks so delicious.
Miss Lizzee--you would eat anything.

There's one of Charlie's friends.

Charlie says--DO NOT---eat the eggs--OR ELSE!!

OH! What beautiful apples!

I can eat the apples. That nice witch told me I could.
Who??--I would NOT eat those apples Miss Lizzee!
Do you think????--YES!
Poison?? But she was so nice--she called me Dearie--only my name is Lizzee.

Finally--something I can eat!

Do you think it's okay if we take some desert?

Here she is! Miss Fortune Teller, we came for the magic word so we can get a pumpkin.
If you want the magic word, you will have to do something for me first.
There is a special mushroom--with special powers --hehe--. I need you to bring me the mushroom. It grows under a magical tree at the bottom of the hole the bats guard. But you have to bring it to me by midnight.
Now--be off with you--and hurry!!

Charlie will distract the bats so we can get the mushroom.

We found it!!
Miss Lizzee---this is better than any old pumpkin and I know Miss Vanessa loves mushrooms, too!
But Mister Bug-- I don't think we should. It has powers!
Oh, Miss Lizzee that's nonsense--she was just kidding.
I don't know------
We better get home before the party starts.

Maybe this nice witch will give us a ride.
Mom--Mom. I wonder where she is? We'll put the mushroom in the refrigerator to keep it fresh till Miss Vanessa gets here.
Hi Mom--we were looking for you. Where's Miss Vanessa?
Well, she waited and waited for you, but she had to leave to get to her own party. She said she will see you there. Did you get her a nice pumpkin?
Oh we got her something even better. It's a magical mushroom.
Mom?? Whats the matter?
You mean that pretty red mushroom? I'm soooo sorry, but I ate it. I just couldn't resist--it was calling my name.
Oh no--do you think that's why I'm feeling so strange?
I feel positively ---wicked-------

I would like to dedicate this party in memory of Miss Onyx.

Thank you all for coming. You can go here to continue on with more parties.
My previous parties can be seen here.
Thank you again to Miss Vanessa!
All photographs were taken by Chrislyn and are the property of Chrislyn / Spiritdog Studios. 2014 ©